Thursday, April 29, 2021



A few months ago, a colleague, Pat Cummings, and I started a podcast entitled Coming from Left Field, a commentary on all things Left. We will bring guests, books, and issues of immediate importance to our followers.



Our three most recent podcasts should be of special interest to readers of ZZ's blog.
  • an interview with Roger Keeran, author of The Communist Party and the Auto Workers Unions, a pioneering work on the militant, class partisan origins of the UAW and the CIO.
  • a discussion with the dynamic Jennifer Berkshire, co-author of The Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door, a devastating critique of the destructive, anti-education, pro-for profit movement for public school "reform"
  • An exchange with Toni Gilpin, author of The Long, Deep Grudge, a powerful book about what was once perhaps our most feisty, uncompromisingly anti-capitalist, multi-racial union, The United Farm Equipment Workers Union (FE).

Please feel free to sample our podcasts on the many available platforms, share your thoughts with us, and consider subscribing to future podcasts.

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